Choose an advanced TIER3 class Data Center in Wrocław, guaranteeing uninterrupted operation of your ICT equipment in a building with an area of 5,000 m2.
Comprehensive services
Data Center for
Your business
What do you gain?
Main benefits
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Data Center specifications
Data Center
on Borowska Street in Wroclaw

Flowberg IT meets the requirements
In terms of the 4 ISO standards:
ISO 22301:2019
Business continuity management system
ISO/IEC 27017:2015
Practical rules for securing information for cloud services
ISO/IEC 27001:2013
Information security management system
ISO/IEC 27018:2019
Practical rules for protecting information about identifiable individuals in public clouds
Our services
Colocation in the Data Center
Choose an advanced TIER3 class data center, with an area of 5,000 m2 in Wrocław, designed to ensure the best conditions for the uninterrupted operation of ICT equipment.
Physical security and visual monitoring
Stable environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, power supply)
SSP Shrack early fire detection system + ASD early detection system
Fire protection with automatic inert gas extinguishing
Internet connections and operator node
Physical access to assisted equipment, with Remote Hands support 24/7/365
Ask about the colocation offer directly
Additional benefits
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Interested in cloud backup?
Store inviolable backups in a Polish data center. Now you can activate online backup.
Additional services
Dedicated servers
Dedicated servers
We provide dedicated servers in two options

Virtual Private Server
VPS Servers
Talk to me about the Data Center offer in Wrocław
Robert Kucner | DSales Director of DC/Cloud, ICT, Colocation, Cybersecurity, Connectivity